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Autamme henkilöstöä johtamaan omaa hyvinvointiaan 24/7, jotta he voivat innostua työstään ja johtaa tekemistään tavalla, joka mahdollistaa myös aikaa työn kehittämiselle. Näin asiakkaidemme henkilöstön sitoutuminen ja työteho paranee, sekä yrityksen henkilöstökulut saadaan tuottamaan enemmän.

Motivaatio - ohjelmat

Mitattavat tulokset

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Well-being belongs to everyone

Do you want to increase your productivity by 20%?

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Tervetuloa sivuillemme, löysit juuri:

To a way of increasing well-being, resilience and productivity

VoimaVaraSi helps you increase your motivation. Motivation has been researched to increase our well-being and productivity in our own lives, as well as in our businesses. We work with ten years of experience and with great passion in our hearts.

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The motivation program helps you find your inner motivation and succeed in your goals. With the help of motivation, we increase a person's well-being, endurance, and improve the company's productivity and competitive advantage.

Vaihtoehtoina yksilö ja tiimiohjelma

Palvet lyhyt esitys

Get to know our founder, who is

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Ramanda Andersson?

My passion for human well-being and the mind started from my youth that I spent in competitive sports. I aimed for the top of the world in alpine skiing. After this I went through a depression and later a burnout, and became even more interested in the humanbeing. I founded Voimavarasi out of a passion for human well-being. I wanted to bring good energy into our everyday lifes and make the achievement of dreams and a meaningful life possible for everyone. Because I had managed to do this for myself. If you want to be a part of our work or co-operate with us, contact me at Id be glad to talk with you! :)

Mielipiteet - refet, valmennuksesta

Osallistujien sanoin:

"A very concise set,
that included important things for everyone."

How does motivation affect human well-being and company productivity?

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We have been able to increase sales up to 20% with our motivation program, in 3 months.

Research has shown that motivation has a big impact on productivity. 


In addition to this, motivation has positive effects on

  •  Employee stability

  •  Reduction of sick leaves

  •  Competitive advantage

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Read more about the importance of motivation and its researched results on profitability -->

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Motivatio inffo sivu 2/3
Motivatio tulokset
Mittaristo esittely

We measure peoples mental and physical well-being, as well as the company's well-being.

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In our company trainings, we use a training booklet and firstbeat life equipment. Through which we get measurable results, in terms of mental well-being, as well as the situation of sleep, exercise, stress and recovery, on a group and individual level. We also monitor the company's growth and well-being metrics.

"The coaching stopped the participants for a moment to think about their own well-being. As an entrepreneur, I got a valuable benefit from the training, and above all, the staff had a good time throughout the training!" Ilkka Halonen, Operative manager, BeanBakers
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Yhteydenotto lomake

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