Autamme henkilöstöä johtamaan omaa hyvinvointiaan 24/7, jotta he voivat innostua työstään ja johtaa tekemistään tavalla, joka mahdollistaa myös aikaa työn kehittämiselle. Näin asiakkaidemme henkilöstön sitoutuminen ja työteho paranee, sekä yrityksen henkilöstökulut saadaan tuottamaan enemmän.
Well-being belongs to everyone
Do you want to increase your productivity by 20%?
Tervetuloa sivuillemme, löysit juuri:
To a way of increasing well-being, resilience and productivity
VoimaVaraSi helps you increase your motivation. Motivation has been researched to increase our well-being and productivity in our own lives, as well as in our businesses. We work with ten years of experience and with great passion in our hearts.
Get to know our founder, who is
Ramanda Andersson?
My passion for human well-being and the mind started from my youth that I spent in competitive sports. I aimed for the top of the world in alpine skiing. After this I went through a depression and later a burnout, and became even more interested in the humanbeing. I founded Voimavarasi out of a passion for human well-being. I wanted to bring good energy into our everyday lifes and make the achievement of dreams and a meaningful life possible for everyone. Because I had managed to do this for myself. If you want to be a part of our work or co-operate with us, contact me at Id be glad to talk with you! :)
We measure peoples mental and physical well-being, as well as the company's well-being.
In our company trainings, we use a training booklet and firstbeat life equipment. Through which we get measurable results, in terms of mental well-being, as well as the situation of sleep, exercise, stress and recovery, on a group and individual level. We also monitor the company's growth and well-being metrics.